Make carbon to a turtleback excuse me 14 determine how many fee to need? How to apply for, what is there relevant formalities? 请问对一个龟甲做碳十四测定需要多少费用?如何申请,有什么相关手续?
A chemical analysis used to determine the age of organic materials based on their content of the radioisotope carbon 14. 这个海滩上的物质经过放射性碳测定。用放射性同位素碳14测定有机物年龄的化学分析。
These neutrons react with nitrogen nuclei, giving out a proton and producing the active carbon isotope 14. 这些中子跟氮元素的核子产生反应,释放出一个质子并产生出活性碳同位素14。
Carbon 14 age dating in Xinjiang and data base ( I) 新疆~(14)C年代测定及数据集(I)
The water content, water soluble organic carbon ( WSOC) and organic matter reduced significantly during the composting process. In addition, the composing products in 14 days were almost mature, and could meet the class A hygienic standard of US EPA. 14天反应周期结束时,物料含水率、水溶性有机碳和有机质含量显著降低,堆肥产品腐熟,卫生学指标达到了美国EPA污泥产品A类标准;
Study of rare-earth effect on carbon assimilation and phosphorous uptake of Panax ginseng with~ ( 14) c and~ ( 32) p 应用~(14)C、~(32)P研究稀土对人参碳代谢及磷吸收的效应
Grafting of nylon 6 improved the interface interaction between carbon fiber and nylon 6 matrix and increased the ILSS of CF/ PA6 composites by 14%. 接枝PA6的CF增强了CF与PA6复合材料界面的相互作用,剪切强度提高了14%
The three identified 13C abundance peaks are unrelated to environment and carbon source whilst 14C ages put them into a period corresponding to past humid warm climate. 可区别出的三个δ~(13)C丰值,看来与环境和碳的来源无关.而土壤碳酸盐~(14)C年龄分布频率揭示它们形成于相对温暖-潮湿的古气候期。
Using radioactive carbon ( c~ ( 14)) to study the physiological action of gibberellin upon the translocation and distribution of photosynthetic products in paddy rice 应用放射性碳(C~(14))研究赤霉素(920)对水稻光合产物运转与分配的生理效应
Sampling and determination of carbon 14 in air 空气中~(14)C取样与测量方法的实验研究
Smoke composition with rich carbon organic matter as the smoke generator was studied, infrared transmittance of this formula can be decreased below 38% in spectral region of 8~ 14 μ m. 探索了用富碳有机物W作为发烟物的发烟剂配方,该配方对8-14μm的红外透过率可降到38%以下。
The carbon assimilatory rate of macrophytes measured by 14C method is 19.0%-40.2% of that measured by O2 method. ~(14)C法测出的底栖植物的碳同化速率为O2法测定值的19.0%&40.2%。
Study on the affection of dead carbon to~ ( 14) C dating 死碳对~(14)C年代测定影响的初步研究
To calibrate theoretical calculation result of reflecting neutrons effects for carbon nucleus, the reflecting neutrons effects of 14 MeV neutrons after penetrating three composed materials were measured with capture detector. 为了校核碳核对反射中子效应的理论计算结果,用俘获探测器测定了14MeV中子穿过三种不同形式的组合材料后的反射中子效应。
The maximum radar detection range of carbon fiber mortar with an optimum mixture ratio is 80% 90% of pure mortar in the frequency range of 14 18 GHz. 最佳配比的碳纤维砂浆在14~18GHz的频段内,其雷达最大探测距离可降低到素砂浆的80%~90%。
Carbon absorption rates of organisms increased with the increase of food densities in~ ( 14) C-labelling experiment in the food chain, nevertheless, the optimum food density should be determined separately because the utilizable proportions of foods vary. 在食物链(14)C标记实验中,生物对碳吸收率随饵料密度增加而增加,由于饵料利用率的变化,应注意选择最适的饵料密度。
The physiological character about photosynthesis, respiration and carbon nutrition transport were studied by using 14 C marker tracing method. The result showed that different treatments had little effect on photosynthesis; but respiration was improved with the increasing of combination treated dose; 运用14C标记示踪技术,测定诱变处理后幼苗的光合作用、呼吸作用,并考查碳素营养运转情况,结果表明:不同处理对光合作用影响很小,但呼吸作用随复合剂量加大而增加,同时输出物质减少。
Carbon dynamics of Masson pine plantation in different age classes ( 8 a, 14 a, 23 a, 38 a) in the central hilly area of Guangxi, China was studied based on the estimation of their biomass and net primary production ( NPP). 对广西中部丘陵区不同年龄阶段(8年生、14年生、23年生、38年生)的马尾松人工林生物量和净生产量进行了研究,探讨了该人工林生产与碳素动态。
Effect of inorganic nitrogen on mineralization of organic carbon (~ ( 14) c+~ ( 12) c) in soil 无机氮对土壤中有机碳矿化影响的探讨
In addition the capacity of carbon sequestration of forest ecosystem and its economic value were estimated for each of the 14 municipalities in Hunan. Finally emission reduction of CO_2 through forest establishment was discussed. 同时还对湖南14个市州的森林碳汇及其经济价值分别进行了估算,并进一步对通过林业建设实现CO2减排进行了探讨。
The results show that both intercalated carbon fibers and copper-plated fibers can interfere infrared from 8 to 14 μ m, and the average mass extinction coefficient of the latter is slightly more than the former. 结果表明:插层炭纤维和镀铜炭纤维对8~14μm红外均有较大消光,后者的平均质量消光系数稍大于前者;
Their carbon atom numbers mostly are even number and range from C_ ( 14) to C_ ( 40). The proportion of ester compound is greater especially than those with carbon atoms C_ ( 30) to C_ ( 40). 化合物的碳原子数从C14~C40,大部分为偶数个,特别是碳链长度在C30~C40的酯类化合物种类多,比例大。